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Gratis Hooray for Inventors! de Marcia Williams PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Hooray for Inventors! de Marcia Williams

Descripción - Críticas The pages bustle with activity, often marked with a certain zany humor.--Booklist Exuberant.--Kirkus Reviews An enthusiastic approach to an often-pedestrian subject.--Horn Book This oversize, entertaining book provides the stories behind some of the world's greater and lesser inventions.--School Library Journal This overview gives a taste of the richness and, well, inventiveness of the creative throughout history.--Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, The In rambunctious good-humored comic strips and single-panel cartoons, Marcia Williams celebrates inventors both famous and forgotten.--Natural History Witty comic-style profiles take readers into the creative genius of eight inventors who changed the world.--Yellow Brick Road Reseña del editor Hip, hip, hooray! Marcia Williams wields her witty comic-book style to applaud the creators of inventions that changed the world — and to inspire the inventor in us all.What are your eight favorite inventions, and who were the persevering minds behind them? In a style as vivacious and accessible as ever, Marcia Williams honors the fine folks who brought us the printing press, the steam condenser, the steam train, the electric light, all of them stepping stones to ever more awesome inventions to come. Interspersed are brief snapshots of more than a hundred other inventions, from toothpaste to toilet paper rolls, the World Wide Web to, yes, sliced bread. There's also a tribute to women inventors — the force behind such indispensable items as windshield wipers, submarine telescopes, and bulletproof vests.Back matter includes an index of inventors and an index of inventions. Biografía del autor MARCIA WILLIAMS has written and illustrated many books in her highly successful and hilarious comic-strip style. Of HOORAY FOR INVENTORS!, she says, 'It is awesome to think that it's only comparatively recently that we've had electric light, yet now we find it almost impossible to imagine life without it. The utter darkness that surrounded people would have continued to cloak us without . . . inventors! Hooray for them!' Marcia Williams lives in London.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Hooray for Inventors!
  • Autor: Marcia Williams
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Educación y consulta
  • Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Gratis Hooray for Inventors! de Marcia Williams PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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